Menu Styles

At the top of this page, you can see live demonstration of Top Menu.

Top Menu allows you to arrange menu items in horizontal line and assign icons to them. All icons are configured directly in menu item settings page which is very convenient.

You can choose up to 20 predefined icons to menu item.

To set up icons, you need to go to menu item settings and add symbol combination jsn-icon-xxx to menu item's parameter Link CSS Style, where xxx is the icon name.

Here you can see live demonstration of Side Menu with icons and rich text.

Side Menu is very unique vertical menu with slide-out panels. This menu is extremely efficient when you have complex navigation with a lot of menu items.

To setup Side Menu you just need to configure module parameter “Menu Class Suffix” appropriately and the menu system will take care of the rest. There are very detailed instructions in template documentation.

Side Menu with Icons and Rich Text

Side Menu can present menu items with icons and descriptive text, pretty much like Main Menu.

To setup icons you need to configure menu items appropriately just like Main Menu. There are very detailed instructions in template documentation.

Side Menu with RTL Support

Side Menu works flawlessly even in RTL layout, in which sub-menu panels will slide out from right to left.

See Side Menu in RTL layout

On top of this page, you can see live demonstration of Main Menu with icons and rich text. Icon Arrow Up

Main Menu is very powerful menu built with clean accessible XHTML code structure and effective drop-down submenu panels.

Main Menu Icons

Main Menu Icons

You can attach any of 20 predefined icons to menu items to make them more appealing.

Main Menu Icons Settings

To set up icons, you need to go to menu item settings and add symbol combination jsn-icon-xxx to menu item’s parameter Link CSS Style, where xxx is the icon name.

Main Menu Rich Text

Main Menu Rich Text

You can add descriptive text to menu items to make them much clearer.

Main Menu Rich Text Settings

To set up descriptive text, you need to go to menu item settings and add descriptive text to menu item’s parameter Link Title Attribute.

Main Menu Icons and Rich Text in combination

Main Menu Rich Text combined with Icons

You can set up menu items to utilize both icons and rich text in combination. Take a look at main menu on this page to see live demonstration.

On top of this page, you can see live demonstration of Rich Menu. Icon Arrow Up

With this menu system you can attach icons and add descriptive text to each menu item making them much clearer and visually appealing. The best thing is you can use the default menu module built-in Joomla!, no need to install external menu modules.

Menu items with descriptive text

JSN Pixel allows you to present menu items with descriptive text placed on a separated line at the bottom of main text.

Main Menu Rich Text

To setup text strings you need to go to menu item settings and add symbol combination “(=) as separator between primary and secondary text.

Main Menu Rich Text Settings

In the example above text “Home” is the primary text and “Lorem ipsum dolor sit...” is the secondary text. Separator between them is the symbol combination “(=)”. Really simple and elegant solution.

Menu items with icons

JSN Pixel allows you to assign up to 20 predefined icons for items in main menu.

Main Menu Icons

To setup icons, you need to find template parameter Main Menu Icons and choose any icon you want to display from drop-down panel.

Main Menu Icons Settings

Combination of descriptive text and icons

You can use combination of descriptive text and icons to get Rich Menu in it's best presentation.

Main Menu Rich Text combined with Icons



Comodidad y Fiabilidad 

"Realizar mis pedidos cómodamente a través de email y recibirlos en mi establecimiento sabiendo que la calidad es buena, sin sorpresas y llegándome a tiempo,  para mi es quitarme problemas de encima y un auténtico descanso. Antes probé con otras imprentas online y acabé harta de publicidad engañosa, los pésimos acabados y los largos plazos de entrega. Hace unos años probé con Gráficas Escobar y mi experiencia hasta hoy es muy satisfactoria". 

Marina Mejías


Mi negocio, bien asesorado 

"Desde que inaugure mi negocio de hostelería -hace ya más de 20 años- llevo trabajando con Gráficas Escobar. Siempre me han asesorado y han cumplido mis expectativas, por lo que les estoy muy agradecido a ellos y a mi amigo Juan Nuñez, que me recomendó esta imprenta en su día. Ahora soy yo quien os lo recomienda a vosotros."

Javier Zalacaín


Calidad a un precio razonable 

"Un familiar mío me afirmaba que no era fácil encontrar una imprenta en la que pudieras confiar. Él basa su opinión en la experiencia de toda una vida al frente de un grupo de concesionario de automóviles y la verdad es que no le falta razón. He probado muchas imprentas, incluso online, y al final te puedes fiar de pocas. Precisamente por recomendación suya encontré Gráficas Escobar. Hice algún pedido para probar y no me defraudó. Para mi una excelente relación calidad/precio y sobre todo, una imprenta en la que poder confiar."

Felipe Urbano








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